Thursday, July 9, 2015


Ugh.  Everyone has that feeling.  

My first three weeks of summer were spent preparing then helping lead two children's camps at our church.  It was wonderful, fun, and exciting, but still at the end of each day I felt...ugh.

I have been trying to think of something to write for this blog for the past month, but I haven't had quite the inspiration lately.  I have had some lack of connection at my church services which left me feeling unfed and thus unable to produce anything worthwhile.  Ugh.

I am trying to come up with a children's sermon this Sunday.  Our pastor is preaching on the Seven Deadly Sins, and I get to come up with a children's sermon for sloth.  Ugh.  This is my exact text to our children's director.  "I would just like it noted that there is a total on ONE children's sermon online about sloth. :(  And it's terrible.  Ugh."  Ok, so the children's sermon I found wasn't exactly terrible, but I knew it wouldn't work for our service.  Ugh.

I am so tired of feeling Ugh!  As I have sat and pondered, written blog posts then completely erased them, I am coming to the resolution that maybe Ugh is just what I need to need from right now.  Maybe by feeling ugh, I can relate to other people in the same boat.  Others who are just not feeling it where they are in life right now.  Others who are tired from overextending themselves.  Others who are not taking the time to take care of their selves and nurture their soul.  We can band together as one big Ugh and whine for a little bit.  

What I have found as I surround myself in these groups that you can go one of two ways.  You can continue to whine, moan, and just go on feeling ugh.  Or you can whine, then listen to someone else's whine, then encourage each other.  Rise up above the Ugh.  Maybe get to Better, then Ok, then Good!  Well maybe not all in one sitting, but over time.  I know that the best venting sessions I have with friends ends with encouragement.  I leave feeling understood and a little lighter.  I think it's so important for us to talk about these Ugh moments and know we are not alone.  Having community that you can truly relate to and know you share in the ups and the Ughs is so important!

I also know that leaving the Ugh feeling behind takes work, and it takes an intentional decision to change perspective.  Sometimes you say a prayer, grit your teeth and fight through the Ugh.  That's what I am doing right now.  Writing the blog on really nothing, but I am writing.  Putting it out there.  Hopefully inspiration will kick in and some better posts will come along in the next couple weeks.  Looking up sermons and blogs online to fill a void that I am feeling spiritually right now.  Starting this weekend I am making myself get back on a plan for reading the Bible that I started this spring then let go after one week.  

When I look back at some times of Ugh in my life, now I can see where God was working and why those Ugh time helped me to grow and the discomfort caused me to step out and take new steps.  Other times I look at the Ugh times and just see times where I was disconnected, to friends, family, and God.  Either way getting plugged back in with my community and the Bible got me back on track, either reconnecting or growing past the Ugh.

If you are feeling Ugh today, know I feel you, am whining with you, and praying for you.

P.S. I did end up finding a children's sermon inspiration.  Kicked that Ugh to the curb!

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