I am so excited to start this journey with you! This will be my first online study to participate in, let alone lead. I am a little apprehensive, nervous, but mostly just ready to get started!
I came across Jen Hatmaker's study a few years ago at a local Christian bookstore. I noticed the cover, and I thought this would be a neat book to read, but didn't get it at the time. It stuck in my head though, and when someone in our Sunday school brought it up as a possible study a little over a year ago, I was all about it. Once in the midst of it, it wasn't always fun or easy, but I absolutely loved it.
This is a great study to be starting post-New Year/Lent season, as it will cause you to really take inventory of the excess you have in your life and methods to start eliminating that. I caution though that this study is what you make of it. If you do this half-hardheartedly and not being honest with yourself, you might get something out of it, but you are cheating yourself out of the full experience of really freeing yourself from the excess in your life that is weighing you down. Another caution, as we will discuss our experiences on the FB page weekly, is that no one's experience will be the same. No one's life is the same, so why should our experience be? What is easy to give up for one person may be excruciating for someone else. No judging, of others or yourself.
If you would like to join us for the study, please join the Breaking for Good Facebook group. Just request an invite to the group, and I will approve it. The group is closed for many reasons.
1. It provides a more private atmosphere to allow us to express our experiences without it going all over everyone's newsfeed who is not in the group.
2. It also allows me to remove anyone who is abusing the group or mistreating anyone during discussion.
The study starts tonight at 7:30 with a live chat at the FB page above. If you can't make it this week, no worries! Just read the info from the chat tonight and get with us next week.
One more note be sure to buy the The 7 Experiment: staging YOUR OWN mutiny against excess. This is different from the book Jen wrote about her personal experience.
Thank you and hope to see you there!
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