I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about this blog. In fact I have put it off for about a week, just due to being unsure about what to write, how it will be received, and if I really even have anything of substance to write about. Well here goes. :)
If you read my About Me post to the side of the blog, you will see a little bit about me and why I have started this blog. I want to make sure that I clear up the discontent part. I am not discontent with my husband and/or kiddos or our life together (didn't want any marital rift to start off this blog), it was more of a inner feeling of discontent, like there was something missing in my life. It was a feeling that I was needing something more, not in a material or tangible way, more in a spiritual way. Don't get me wrong, I am involved in our local Methodist church. We attend just about every Sunday, I am one of the co-directors for our Kid's Music and Arts Programs, I co-chair our children's committee, and my husband and I attend a very active Sunday School. Despite all this I was still feeling like I needed to be doing something more, something out of my comfort zone to grow. Now some would say that working if children is definitely something that helps you grow (Can you say PATIENCE and GRACE?!? LOL!), but to be honest, working with kids is something I have always enjoyed doing, and music has always come easy to me as well, so while for some it might be a stretch, for me it comes a little more naturally. Also talking to kids about Jesus and the Bible is less intimidating because as long as I know a little more than they do I am good. I will say though my 10-year-old son is starting to give me a run for my money! Now talking to adults, who like have more Bible knowledge than I do and different life experiences, that is scary to me. Nevertheless, I am jumping in with two feet. Now I am wearing water wings, a life jacket, and a swim ring, but still jumping in!
Along with moments of inspiration, raw honesty, and my monthly children's sermon that I do at church, I was also hoping to maybe host some online bible studies. One of my goals is to did deeper into the Bible and my spiritual walk with Jesus, but without accountability it is not going to happen. I would love to read books together and then chat live somehow about them. I am not adept at twitter, so I will try to see if this is possible on Google or Facebook.
Well this is it for now. I don't promise to blog every day, every other day, or even every week. I will try though! Thanks for following along and bring a part of my journey!
I'm jumping in with ya friend! Let the journey begin!